So I've been working on a product for about a year now, and it's finally released. Of course to me it will never be finished, there are always bugs to fix and features to add, but this is still a tremendous milestone. A recent post at Joel on Software hits rather close to home right now.
I'm extremely excited and also extremely nervous. Whenever we turn something we've worked long and hard on over for public scrutiny, certain thoughts are bound to creep in. "Is it good enough? Will it be successful? Have I wasted a year of my life? " I ask myself these questions constantly.
I don't think anything I produce will ever be truly good enough for me, and I mean that in a good way. As a developer I feel that there is always room for improvement and the day I think I'm good enough to stop improving is they day I should stop being a developer. As to my other ponderings of self doubt, no matter what comes of my work I remain extremely proud of it. My skills have improved drastically while working on this product, and I can't think of a better way to spend a year than getting paid to work on something you love.
So take a look at TouchPoint. I think it's pretty cool and hopefully people will find it useful. There are still lots of enhancements and improvements in the works, so keep your eye on it as things develop.
This may seem a bit strange given that the product is commercial, but I'd like to close by giving props to similar products out there that have given us inspiration. I'm proud to be joining their ranks and hope that TouchPoint can live up to the standards they have set: